Womens man city shirt

Womens man city shirt

Price: $23.94
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product description: Once upon a time, there was a magical world of tiny beings known as ball jointed dolls. These little dolls were only 4 to 5 inches tall, but they were full of character and life. Once upon a time, there was a passionate craftsperson who had a dream of making their own unique BJD doll. They wanted something that no one else had ever made before, something completely unique and personal to them.She was relieved, but also a little sad. Still, she was thankful that her new BJD doll friend was safe. Restringing a BJD doll is a fairly simple task that can be done in a few steps with the right tools. In order to do this, you need a pair of small-gauge wire cutters, a pair of tweezers, some smooth wire (preferably stainless steel or nylon-coated steel) and some new or recycled elastic string.