Leeds united shirt 22 23

Leeds united shirt 22 23

Price: $30.87
product description: Finally, make sure to seal up the seams and give your BJD a layer of gloss or matte finish. This will help protect the delicate parts of the doll and keep it looking beautiful for years to come. Once upon a time, there was a small BJD doll, who had the most wonderful dream. She dreamed of standing in the middle of an open field, surrounded by a roaring fire. The heat from the flames was intense, but the doll felt no fear. She felt a sense of joy and freedom that was unlike anything she had ever felt before.The doll traveled through the rolling hills of rural Japan, taking in the tranquil beauty of the countryside. Along the way it encountered different kinds of people and animals, all of whom welcomed it with open arms.At the end of their journey, the two dolls were exhausted but still happy. They may not have made it far, but they had a wonderful experience and felt a stronger bond than ever between them. The two dolls would always remain the best of friends, no matter what.Once upon a time, in a distant land, there lived two Volks BJD dolls. They were identical in every way and shared an unshakeable bond. They both had big blue eyes, pale creamy skin, and long golden hair.