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product description: The nail polish was a daring shade of pink, and it made Brígida stand out from the other dolls in the crowd. Everywhere she went, people stopped and marveled at the intricate details of her manicure. Every day, her confidence grew stronger and stronger.From that day onward, the two boys shared their love of playing football and caring for their BJD Dolls with others around the neighbourhood. Their reputation grew and soon they had their own team of children who they taught how to play and care for their BJD Dolls.Unboxing a BJD doll is an exciting and unique experience. For those unfamiliar with the term, BJD stands for "ball jointed doll." These dolls are highly collectible and customizable, and unboxing one can be quite a thrilling event. In this article, we'll discuss what to expect when unboxing a BJD doll, as well as some tips to make the experience even more enjoyable.The mysterious man then announced that he was selling the doll for a price too high for any of the villagers to afford. None of the villagers had ever seen such a beautiful doll before, and they were all convinced that the doll must be worth its asking price.