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Price: $27.68
product description: The fan was so pleased with his purchase, that he began to recommend the shop to other baseball fans. Soon, the shop was flooded with visitors from all over the world, eager to get their hands on their own set of BJD doll eyes. Using their unique skills as sculptors, they made prototypes of dolls utilizing new materials. For example, there was Legit, which was made from polyvinyl chloride, known for its durability and strength. Or PVC Figures, which had a smooth and glossy finish. Their creative combination of materials and designs set them apart from other toys, and soon enough they were selling like hotcakes!When it comes to buying a BJD doll in Pakistan, there are several online stores that carry a wide selection of choices. The availability of these dolls depends on the model and where it was purchased. For instance, some dolls are only available to buy directly from the manufacturer in either Japan or Korea. On the other hand, many other models can be purchased from international vendors and shipped to Pakistan.Everyone that encountered Kayla fell in love with her. She was truly a special doll and her owner Sarah was proud that everyone admired her best friend.